Three of Swords

by - January 09, 2021


Oh wow.  So much fuckery in this card.  Let me tell you something.  Your heart is going to break sometimes.  It can be due to a romantic relationship.  A friend.  A neighbor.  One or both of your parents.  Your children.  School friends.  Coworkers.  Bosses.  Strangers.  Your government.  Yourself.  THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD.   

Every single one of these listed have broken my heart at least once.  Some in tiny ways, some in ways I never thought my heart would ever be mended again.  But it did.  It healed each and every single time.  Well, one is still breaking my heart and I don't think she'll ever stop until after she passes on.  But that's my cross to bear.  And I know that will heal one day, too.  But until it does, I practice self-care and protect my heart as much as I can.   It's all we can do.  We can draw boundaries.  We can cradle our hearts like they are our child to keep safe and protected.  But not so much they can't go out and make its own mistakes, because without mistakes, we'll never learn.  But learn we do.  And then we make better choices on how better to share our hearts in the future.  

But my dear, if your heart is broken right now?  Just take time to heal it and really feel your pain.  Ignoring it will only make things worse in the future.  But don't down drown in your pain either.  That's not healthy either.  Just, feel it.  And heal it.  Know that this too shall pass.  Even if you feel it never will.  Even if you don't want it to.  Know that you're not alone and seek out support if you need it.  And know it's okay to be broken right now, even if others tell you that you shouldn't.  Just take space for yourself and work on you while you wait for it to pass (or learn how to integrate it into your being, if the loss is really huge).  

Sending you a hug or whatever you need right now.  💗


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